Jewish clothing is very different from the clothing that other people wear. Modesty is of utmost importance for men and women in the Jewish Culture. It places emphasis on the soul inside than the features on the outside.
Jewish Kippa:
v Boys typically start covering their heads with a Jewish skull cap, or yarmulke at a very young age, and there are many different styles to choose from. Wearing one of these is the force of the law.
Talit – Jewish Prayer Shawl:
v The wool garment has fringes that come in many styles and designs, but it is always made of wool. There are different customs as to when boys, or men start to wear a tallit when they pray.
Ancient Jewish religious clothing:
v Long standing traditions have not changed at all, except for a few small details. Modesty has always been essential, and married women have covered their hair since the days of the Torah. The concept of the women comes from a book called the book of Bamidbar, where you can find the concept of the sotah, or the wayward wife suspected of committing adultery. The woman must undergo a ritual where she uncovers her hair. Women no longer have to practice that.
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