Monday, December 17, 2012

Holy days

v  Hanukkah- a "festival of lights" in December that signifies the defeat of the Syrian Greeks in 165 B.C. and the Temple in Jerusalem was offered back. During the celebration, children receive gifts and play a top spinning game with a dreidel. 
 v  Passover- A spring festival lasting seven or eight days, that celebrates the end of slavery in Egypt and the haste of the escape, or "Exodus."

v  Rosh Hashanah- This is the Jewish New Year,  a period of high holy days for reflection and repentance.

v  Sabbath- The seventh and last day of the week- celebrates God’s rest on the seventh day of Creation. The observance is a reminder of God’s justice and rule on earth.

v  Shavuoth- This is a "Feast of Weeks" in the spring that celebrates the giving of the law, or Torah.

v  Sukkoth-  The "Feast of booths," a fall harvest festival, marked by putting up harvest booths.

v  Yom Kippur- Is the most important holy day, because it is the last of the high holy days. It is a time of confessing of sins, atoning or making amends for wrongdoing, and seeking forgiveness, and it comes ten days after Rosh Hashanah.

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